Magnesium (Mg)

Definition - What does Magnesium (Mg) mean?

Magnesium is a gray, solid chemical element with the atomic number 12 and symbol Mg, and is the 4th most common element found on earth.

In the vineyard, magnesium plays two roles in the process of photosynthesis. It is the essential component for chlorophyll and activates the enzymes required for the vines growth. Magnesium is also essential for the production of sugar.

WineFrog explains Magnesium (Mg)

For life purpose, magnesium ions are key to the function of enzymes and the inter-reaction with RNA, DNA and ATP. Magnesium is a key element which can be obtained from soils and subsoils that is crucial for healthy vine growth and production.

Magnesium makes up one of the six macro-nutrients essential for the balanced growth of the grapevine, including:

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Phosphates
  3. Potassium
  4. Calcium
  5. Sulfur

A deficiency of magnesium often occurs in soils of sandy and acidic nature. The excess fertilization of potassium can result in a magnesium deficiency in soils, but can be corrected with a liming of dolomitic limestone. White grape vines with a magnesium deficiency will have white spots, appearing like bleach spots mid-season on the leaves, with reddish brown spots on red grape vines.