Deutscher Tafelwein

Definition - What does Deutscher Tafelwein mean?

Deutscher Tafelwein is one of the wine classifications of Germany's lesser quality wines and a category which does not fall under their Prädikatswein system. The label informs consumers that the wine is made from 100% German grapes. These wines produced in Germany only make up 3% of their overall production and they are not often sold internationally.

WineFrog explains Deutscher Tafelwein

The names of individual vineyards are not mentioned on Deutscher Wein labels. However, there are still some guidelines in how it is made:

  • It must be produced only from grapes which are legally recognized and permitted in Germany
  • The grapes of the wine must be from one of the five "Tafelwein" regions. This region or sub-region must be written on the label.
  • The minimum natural alcohol content is 5% in climate zone A and 6% in climate zone B
  • It also must reach an existing alcohol level of a minimum of 8.5% in zones A and B
  • The acidity needs to be 4.5 grams/liter

Deutscher Wein can be made in Trocken and Halbtroken styles and it is also made as sparkling wine, labeled as "Deutscher Sekt".