Yield-To-Pruning Weight Ratio

Definition - What does Yield-To-Pruning Weight Ratio mean?

Yield-to-pruning weight ratio is the ratio used to calculate vine balance. It can be calculated by taking a vines total yield and dividing it by the dormant pruning weight. Dormant pruning provides a mechanism to control the size and form of the grapevine. Vine balance, on the other hand, is a very essential term in viticulture as the maximum amount of yield can be obtained by maintaining vine balance.

WineFrog explains Yield-To-Pruning Weight Ratio

By calculating the yield-to-pruning ratio and pruning the grapevines accordingly, it is possible to optimize the maximum production potential of the grapevine. This helps maintain the balance between grape shoots and the fruit growth. Timely pruning is vital in growing grapes because if the vines are left unpruned, it results in excessive grape clusters. Given that grape clusters decrease the rate of sugar accumulation and reduce pigmentation in the skin of the grapes, pruning is crucial in determining the flavor and aroma synthesis. Furthermore, lack of timely pruning can result in negative effects such as reduction in vigor and size of the vine and poor wood maturation.