Trunk Rot

Definition - What does Trunk Rot mean?

Trunk rot is a general term used by viticulturists to describe diseases that attack and kill grapevines. Trunk rot is caused by pathogens that infect the mature wood of the vine and can delay or stunt the growth of the vine, as well as delay bud burst, and cause bunch rot.

Viticulturists need to know the types of diseases that cause trunk rot and how to reduce the risk of them infecting grapevines, as trunk rot can destroy the harvest and kill the vine, leaving lasting detrimental effects in the vineyard.

WineFrog explains Trunk Rot

Trunk rot can be managed by removing infected parts of the vine, however, in vines where the fungi have infected the trunk and or root, the entire vine is lost. As trunk rot enters the vine through an injury or pruning site and primarily affects the roots and the mature vine, vineyard workers have to follow proper pruning and sanitation protocols. Pathogens and fungi can remain in the vineyard over winter and can easily spread their spores on equipment, by splashing water, rain or wind.

The main pathogens responsible for trunk rot include:

  • Phaeoacremonium
  • Aleophilum
  • Phomopsis viticola
  • Botryosphaeria spp
  • Cylindrocarpon spp
  • Eutypa lata
  • Phaeomoniella chlamydospora.