
Definition - What does Tannic mean?

The term "Tannic" describes a wine that is very young and is not ready to be consumed. The tannic characteristic of wine is caused by a compound called tannin, which is a type of naturally occurring micronutrient called polyphenol; its concentration is what makes wine tannic. A perfectly tannic wine is firm and long lasting, and you can identify tannin in a wine by expereincing the drying sensation that occurs in your mouth when you consume it.

WineFrog explains Tannic

The descriptor "tannic" can be considered a textural element that makes wine taste dry. Given that the concentration of tannin makes wine tannic, it is important to understand tannin to understand the tannic characteristic. Tannin is found in the seeds, bark, wood, leaves and the skin of fruits. Tannin also adds characteristics to wine such as acidity, bitterness and complexity. The concentration of tannin in wine is determined based on the amount of time the grape juice used to make wine is in contact with the stems, grape skins and seeds. The longer the grape juice is in contact, with the stems, grape skins and seeds, the more tannic it becomes.

When you consume wine, the level of dryness of your mouth can be used to determine the level of tannin in a wine. Wines that are high in tannins are also considered tannic. Furthermore, tannic wines also have health benefits as they contain antioxidants.