Growing Season

Definition - What does Growing Season mean?

The growing season for grape vines includes the time from when first buds appear until it is time to harvest the grapes. The weather and local climate has a significant impact on the fruit and its quality, and therefore, the type of wine it can potentially make.

An ideal growing season is hot, but without extreme temperatures; either too hot or too cold. This can vary from region to region.

WineFrog explains Growing Season

The growing season for a vintner and winemaker is an important cycle in the year. Without a good growing season, there can be many challenges.

It is ideal that a growing season be warm and dry and in particular with a good range of diurnal temperatures. It is best when the days are warm, but not too warm making the vines shut down. Ideal temperatures and adequate sunshine help to develop sugars in the grapes.

It is also crucial for night temperatures to be cool in order for the vine to develop the fruits' aromatic and flavor profiles, which it does by consuming the food it produces by photosynthesis in the day.

Poor growing seasons can be detrimental to a harvest and have costly effects.