
Definition - What does Acrid mean?

Acrid is a term used to describe a type of wine which has a pungent smell and also a tart-like and rough taste. This bitter taste is caused due to an excess of sulfur, which is added while making the wine. Acrid wine has a high acidity level and is often associated with cheap red wines.

WineFrog explains Acrid

The term acrid is often used to describe a strong pungent smell which contains sulfur. The sulfur is added in wines for the purpose of killing unwanted organisms and to protect the wine from spoiling. When left untreated the microorganisms can start a chemical reaction that can spoil the wine.

Acrid tastes are also associated with cleaning agents used for the winemaking equipment. Acrid wines can often have a pungent smell because of the residual scent of hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs, which transfers to the wine, making them acrid. When this happens, it is referred to as "rotten egg taint".